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Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17

Whether the venue is a Saturday morning bible study and prayer time, an equipping class, or one-on-one discipleship, our goal is to continually point men to Jesus and His sufficiency. We want all of our men to recognize how inadequate our own attempts at righteousness are, and that our God has provided us with righteousness for now and for eternity (Eph. 4:22-24; Heb. 10:14).

Opportunities for our men:

  • Each Saturday morning (beginning at 7:00) a number of our men gather together for a bible study from various Scripture passages and a time of prayer.
  • Over the years we have had numerous equipping classes that have enhanced our walk with the Lord as well as our ministry skills. Subjects have included: Intimacy with God, Disciplines of a Godly Man, Discipleship Training, Qualifications & Ministries of Leadership in the Church, Hermeneutics (biblical interpretation), and Homiletics (the science and art of preaching).
  • Discipleship opportunities – Discipleship can be defined as a willingness to enter into a relationship of mutual accountability. Of course, all discipleship is designed to point us to Jesus.