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Teen Ministry

Teen Ministry

Cornerstone Teens is designed to meet the needs of today's youth. We believe that each teen is a vital part of the church. We also believe that each teen is designed for:

  1. Worship - It is important that we worship our God each day. It is a goal of Cornerstone Teens to accurately reflect biblical worship that is glorifying to our Savior Jesus Christ (Psalm 29:2).
  2. Discipleship - We need to be growing! We strive to encourage each other in the growth process as we meet together every other week. Teens play a crucial part in the encouragement of each other's spiritual walk. It is the goal of Cornerstone Teens to teach teens to grow in their spiritual walk, and to help others along in their spiritual journey. We try to remember that growth glorifies God! (Matt. 28:20).
  3. Ministry - No one is too young to serve! We believe that we need to be using the talents and abilities that God has given to us to serve Him. When we serve the Lord with the strength He provides, we bring glory and honor to His name! We constantly challenge each other to follow Christ's model of taking the towel and serving (John 13:5).
  4. Evangelism - We cannot afford to be selfish with our faith. Cornerstone Teens take very seriously Christ's command for us to be witnesses (Acts 1:8). We believe that the best way to reach young people for Christ is for young people to do the reaching! We train teens to share their faith in Christ to those around them.
  5. Fellowship - We need to have fun! We strive to encourage each other by simply having good, clean fun. God is glorified when we have unity in our group (1 John 4:21)! Each month there are a variety of youth activities in which teens can participate.