Sunday Preview 01.12.20
This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...
Are you hungry for the gospel? If you don't know what it is, or realize the perils from which it can save you, then probably not. In the book of Romans, Paul is ultimately trying to give his readers an appetite for the gospel. His argument? The gospel reveals and provides God’s righteousness (Rom. 1:17). We are in desperate need of this righteousness, for “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men” (1:18). Who then is unrighteous? In the larger context, Paul will prove that all (without the justifying work of Jesus Christ) are guilty of unrighteousness. In this first section, humanity's unrighteousness is demonstrated through improper worship, improper beliefs, and improper actions. While the world will tell us that our sexual practices are protected rights, Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, will tell us that homosexual practices are against nature, are impure, and are dishonoring to God. This is only one of his examples of unrighteousness that results from suppressing the truth about God. Come join us as we worship our righteous God, who judges righteously and provides rescue from our unrighteousness.
Sunday Songs
Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.
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