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Twenty Years Later

Pastor Rob shared these remarks prior to our Sunday morning worship service on September 12th, 2021.

Twenty years ago yesterday, our country experienced great grief as we endured an historic terrorist attack upon our nation. It has changed the course of many lives, and changed the course of our country’s focus for two decades.

Through countless lost lives, through post-traumatic stress, through heroic efforts, through thousands upon thousands who have since volunteered to serve, that day is a day that has marked our nation’s history.

It was surprising for us. It was shocking for us.

But our God is never taken by surprise. He knew of these events, and He didn’t forsake us during our time of distress. He faithfully cared for each one who called upon Him in faith.

It is twenty years later, and because of anniversary ceremonies, news stories, and social media posts, our minds have been stirred to remembrance. Tomorrow, our lives will continue on, many will allow this remembrance to fade into the background, while others will live their days out with constant reminders of the loss they have experienced, whether on that day or in subsequent days in efforts domestically or on foreign soil.

May the Lord help us to remember those who are broken and hurting from the pain of loss. And let us remember that there is a day coming when our God will make all things new. Our God will free the world from injustice, from tyranny, and from terror. The God we serve will rule the world in peace and justice.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!