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Sunday Preview 02.10.19

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...

Having exhausted his pursuits of wisdom and pleasure, Solomon tests whether wise living will enable him to gain a handle on the meaning of life. He states that there is a more positive benefit to wise living than foolishness, but then he drops the hammer: there is no avoiding death. Even if you live more wisely than anyone around you, you will still end up having a funeral. Death is the great equalizer. You can die peacefully or painfully, but the result is the same. This concept has brought Solomon to utter hopelessness as he considers this from a purely earthly perspective. He is essentially telling us that living without a view beyond the physical universe leaves a person in desperate sorrow. With no transition, he launches us into a different perspective. Rather than trying to gain a grip on life through the product of our toil (which we can’t keep), Solomon tells us to enjoy the toil and its fruits, but only by realizing that this from the “hand of God” (Eccl. 2:24b-25). This text does not supply for us a perspective on preparing for death; it simply alerts us to the reality that we will all face death. Are you ready? Does God give us any answers about how to prepare? Is your impending death scary to you? Does death have the final word? Join us as we continue our study through Ecclesiastes, worshiping the One who has triumphed over death.

Sunday Songs

Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.

10,000 Reasons

My Jesus, I Love Thee

Mercies Anew

In Christ Alone