Sunday Preview 04.14.19
This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...
The scene portrayed in the Gospels of Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem has been recounted innumerable times throughout the generations. As we consider it from our vantage point, we can see the appropriate celebration of the King, but we also know what was going to occur at the end of the week: Jesus would be on display as the suffering Savior. Both the celebration and the suffering were in accordance with God’s will, and foretold in the pages of the Old Testament. The events of this week, often referred to as Passion Week, depict for us the road to our redemption. These events also anticipate another visitation that is yet to come—a visitation not of a Celebrated King or a Suffering Savior, but of a Conquering King. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to earth again, He will do so ready to restore justice and righteousness. With hope, we look forward to this day of Jesus' ultimate triumph. Come and celebrate our soon coming King through song, study, and celebration of the Lord's Supper!
Sunday Songs
Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.
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