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Sunday Preview 08.11.19

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...

It is much easier to be a critic than a helper. The natural bent of the human heart is to see differences and to distance ourselves, but God calls for actions that are radically different. In the face of our rebellion, God sent His Son. The very act of God’s redeeming work through Christ was facilitated through the hate of religious leaders. Yet, in that crucifixion, we know Jesus was laying His life down as the avenue for eternally forgiving the sins of many! This gospel act is what Paul uses to motivate us to help rather than divide from our brothers and sisters who differ from us (Rom. 15:1-4). Join us this Sunday as we worship God through song, studying His word, and participating in the Lord’s Supper.

Sunday Songs

Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

The Power of the Cross

Behold the Lamb

My Jesus, Fair