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Sunday Preview 11.10.19

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...

We live in an age of uncertainty. A consensus on what is right or wrong, true or false, cannot be found. In the midst of this confused age, God has graciously provided a transformative message: the gospel transforms the hearts of those who believe, transforms the relationship between the believer and God, and transforms the believer’s agenda. This gospel, or good news, is God’s eternal purpose to reconcile rebels to Himself through the life and finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our world does not need to languish in darkness due to their sin, but rather can receive the light of the gospel to produce a confidence in God and His word. This message has been entrusted to the church; we must proclaim it while we have life. Come rejoice in the gospel with us this Sunday!

Sunday Songs

Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.

Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

There Is a Fountain

The Gospel Song

Jesus, Thank You