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Sunday Preview 12.15.19

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church...

As we celebrate Christmas, we are remembering the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. His arrival marked an incredible transformation in the history of the world. He transformed individuals, and He transformed the people’s understanding of a relationship with God. One day, He will come again. When He does, the transformation He will produce will be radical and universal. In the meantime, He is using the proclamation of the gospel to continue His work of transforming sinners. Due to this fact, we are eager to preach the gospel and unashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:15-16). Join us this Sunday, as we continue to explore the impact that the gospel can make in us.

Sunday Songs

Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you prepare for our Sunday gatherings.

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Joy Has Dawned

Joy to the World