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Archives for November 2017

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Wednesday Wisdom 11.29.17

"Many people visualize a God who sits comfortably on a distant throne, remote, aloof, uninterested, and indifferent to the needs of mortals, until, it may be, they can badger him into taking action on their behalf. Such a view is wholly false. The Bible reveals a God who, long before it even occurs to man to turn to him, while man is still lost in darkness and sunk in sin,...

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Sunday Preview 11.26.17

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... Are you prepared to meet Jesus? There is a day coming when we will all stand before our Savior and Judge. As we continue our study of the book of Philippians, we will consider the importance Paul places upon fruitful living. If the church is to proceed in a proper Gospel Partnership, there must be demonstrable evidence of God's working...

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Sunday Preview 11.19.17

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... We will be joined by Dr. Paul Hartog of Faith Baptist Bible College Theological Seminary, who will be looking at the life of Moses from Hebrews 11:23-29. This passage, structured by five "By faith ...." statements, describes five characteristics of faith in action. By faith, we should actively manifest these five traits in our lives. ...

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Wednesday Wisdom 11.15.17

"O MY GOD, Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects,my heart admires, adores, loves thee,for my little vessel is as full as it can be,and I would pour out all that fullness before theein ceaseless flow.When I think upon and converse with theeten thousand delightful thoughts spring up,ten thousand sources of pleasure are unsealed,ten thousand refreshing joys spread ove...

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Sunday Preview 11.12.17

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... True partnership in gospel ministry has many layers of productivity. In addition to the most basic benefit, the saving impact of the gospel, God produces other elements of fruitfulness: thanksgiving, joy, confidence, mutual affections, and shared grace. These benefits are experienced when we are not captivated by our own small world, b...

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Wednesday Wisdom 11.08.17

"There is no attribute of God more comforting to his children than the doctrine of Divine Sovereignty. Under the most adverse circumstances, in the most severe troubles, they believe that Sovereignty hath ordained their afflictions, that Sovereignty overrules them, and that Sovereignty will sanctify them all. There is nothing for which the children of God ought more earnes...

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Sunday Preview 11.05.17

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... In addition to celebrating the Lord's Supper, we will be starting our study of the book of Philippians. As we overview this amazing book, we will emphasize the importance of a one-minded partnership in gospel ministry and the joy that it produces. One of the truths that we should realize from the opening verses is that God's church has...

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Wednesday Wisdom 11.01.17

"From the twelve apostles to the Auca missionaries of our generation, the history of the Christian church is the history of 'wasted' lives. The Christian may tabulate all the assets of his personality and take inventory of his preferences, but he casts all these at the feet of Christ. He is not seeking fulfillment but expendability. He counts not his life dear to himself, ...

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