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Archives for April 2018

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Sunday Preview 04.29.18

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... God is always working (John 5:17), and His work is effective (Phil. 1:6). God's work in the lives of His people is a work of transformation. Last week, we noted that He will fully transform all of His people into the image of His Son. During our earthly lives, we can see the evidence of God's transformative work in our passions, treasu...

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Sunday Preview 04.22.18

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... All things will one day be in complete subjection to the God of the universe. In the meantime, it should be the desire of those who are followers of Jesus Christ to be vessels through whom His character is on display. Stated differently, we should desire to display Christlike character, and this Christlike character necessitates transf...

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Wednesday Wisdom 04.18.18

"Remember the perfections of that God whom you worship, that he is a Spirit, and therefore to be worshipped in spirit and truth; and that he is most great and terrible, and therefore to be worshipped with seriousness and reverence, and not to be dallied with, or served with toys or lifeless lip-service; and that he is most holy, pure, and jealous, and therefore to be purel...

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Sunday Preview 04.15.18

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... Pastor Bill will be teaching through 1 Corinthians 3, where we'll see that while God uses human means, He alone is the source of real growth (1 Cor. 3:6-7). Come join us as we worship our life-giving God! Sunday Songs Each week we'll include a list of songs we plan to sing during our time of corporate worship. We hope this helps you ...

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Wednesday Wisdom 04.11.18

"The One who has done the greatest thing of all for you, must be concerned about you in everything, and though the clouds are thick and you cannot see His face, you know He is there. 'Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face.' Now hold on to that. You say that you do not see His smile. I agree that these earthborn clouds prevent my seeing Him, but He is there a...

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Sunday Preview 04.08.18

This Sunday at Cornerstone Church... As God's church, we are redeemed and look forward to being fully glorified when we stand in the presence of our Savior. But in the intervening days, we should be on a relentless pursuit of displaying the great character of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This was Paul's ambition, and it should be the ambition of each believer. Come ...

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